Unfortunately, inclement weather in the forecast has prompted us to postpone our MLK Day events on Monday, Jan. 17. In anticipation of the predicted winter weather, all Shenandoah University locations will be closed on Monday, Jan. 17. (Note that the Shenandoah University Child Care Center will make a separate announcement about their operations.)
Additionally, it will not be a workday for university employees (other than those who perform essential campus services), nor a class day for our students. This provides us all with a tremendous opportunity to hear the echoes of Dr. King's life and work in our daily lives — even on a snow day.
Although we will not be together as a university community on MLK Day, we encourage you to remember Dr. King on Monday and engage in an action that benefits another. You could shovel snow for a neighbor in need, collect a host of household items to donate to others in the community, be a listening ear for a friend in crisis, or take some time to be fully present for those who love you and whom you love.
Although the impending weather prevents us from participating in the events on MLK Day, there are two virtual MLK events later in the week that you may join at 1 p.m. on Jan. 19 and 20. Updated information is listed on the university's MLK website at su.edu/mlk.