PHC welcomes its largest class on record with a joyful and celebratory new student orientation! #christiancollege #forchristandforliberty #conservativechristiancollege #phccommunity #phclife #chapel #scripture #whoiam
PHC welcomes its largest class on record with a joyful and celebratory new student orientation!
Special thank you to Mark Shankov for filming and editing this video!
#christiancollege #forchristandforliberty #conservativechristiancollege #phccommunity #phclife #chapel #scripture #whoiaminchrist #2024 #identity #christianidentity #spiritualidentity #freshmen #orientation #freshmenorientation #orientation2024 #fallorientation #fallretreat
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Before beginning the academic year, the PHC family walked and prayed over the entire campus. PHC's se
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
Before beginning the academic year, the PHC family walked and prayed over the entire campus. PHC's second annual prayer walk attracted a huge group of student workers and students who arrived on campus early for sports and residence life preparation.
Nothing we do at PHC could be accomplished apart from God's power. We are immensely blessed and filled with gratitude to be starting another school year!
#spiritualdiscipline #prayer #prayerwalk #prayerwalk2024 #phcprepared #spiritualcommunity #christiancommunity #forchristandforliberty #newacademicyear #newschoolyear #orientation #newstudentorientation
This summer, we hosted our first soccer ID clinic for high school girls! Check out PHC's athletics program here: #phcsentinels #sentinelstrong @phcsentinels
This summer, we hosted our first soccer ID clinic for high school girls! Check out PHC's athletics program here:
#phcsentinels #sentinelstrong @phcsentinels
SIGN UP TODAY: The Imago Dei.
The Imago Dei is an eight-lecture course that brings together Patrick Henry College professors and a group of distinguished speakers to shed light on some of the most pressing issues facing the church today.
The first Christians changed the world by proclaiming that humans are made in the image of God. The Imago Dei is at the center of what Christians have taught about politics and morality. It’s been central to Christian teaching about marriage, property, caring for the needy, and even science.
If Christians want to find a path forward through many of the controversial issues facing the church and society today, we’ll find that path by looking again at what it means that God made us—all of us—in His own image.
#phc #phclife #phcprepared #conservativechristiancollege #imagodei #study #onlinecourse
PHC's new online video course is here! And it's free! The Imago Dei is an eight-lecture course that brings together Patrick Henry College professors and a group of distinguished speakers to shed light on some of the most pressing issues facing the church
PHC's new online video course is here! And it's free!
Register here:
The Imago Dei is an eight-lecture course that brings together Patrick Henry College professors and a group of distinguished speakers to shed light on some of the most pressing issues facing the church today.
The first Christians changed the world by proclaiming that humans are made in the image of God. The Imago Dei is at the center of what Christians have taught about politics and morality. It’s been central to Christian teaching about marriage, property, caring for the needy, and even science.
If Christians want to find a path forward through many of the controversial issues facing the church and society today, we’ll find that path by looking again at what it means that God made us—all of us—in His own image.
#phc #phclife #phcprepared #conservativechristiancollege #imagodei #theology #philosophy #onlinecourse
Congratulations to our 2024 graduates! It was an honor to celebrate the goodness of God in their lives at PHC.
#phc #phclife #phcprepared #conservativechristiancollege #graduate #graduation #commencement
Student government leaders and hopefuls weigh-in with their thoughts pre-debate. What were YOUR favorite questions/answers?
License code: P3ZUTMGZJI3EZXUB
#phc #phclife #campuslife #conservativechristiancollege #phcprepared #phccommunity #studentlife #studentbodygovernment #studentbodypresident
Students at Faith & Reason!
Faith & Reason is always a full day beginning with a lecture from a keynote speaker and followed by professor-led discussions, a Q&A panel with the speaker and several faculty members, and then a volleyball tournament to end the day.
Music Credits:
#phc #phclife #phccommunity #faithandreason #phcprepared #conservativechristiancollege #academics
PHC had a blast hosting the Bible College National Invitation Tournament! Congratulations to men's team for winning two of their three games!
#standsentinelstrong #phcprepared #conservativechristiancollege #phc #phclife #phcathletics #athletics #basketball #phcbasketball
To be pro-life is to defend the dignity of every human being in every stage of development and in every condition of life. To be pro-life is to combat the lie that a person's age, or socioeconomic status, or ethnicity, or origin, or position, or title, or anything else in any way apportions their value. To be pro-life is to recognize that our worth is entirely bound up in being created imago Dei—in the image of God. And since our condition as made imago Dei is essential to our created being, every life is intrinsically, unalterably, and eternally valuable.
This movement is radically anti-death. It rejects the lie that life is futile and that there is ever a justification to cut short one's own or anyone else's life. This movement is radically self-sacrificial. It recognizes that we must be the ones to step-up and care for the orphans, the widows, the outcast, the destitute. It recognizes that the purpose of life is not to gratify our own desires or to make happiness our end.
To be pro-life is to recognize that the greatest goods in this life are to glorify God and love our neighbors as ourself.
And while this movement is grieved by the horrors of abortion, it is also filled with joy through the knowledge that Christ redeems the ugliest of sins and that He has come to overcome the darkness.
If you're willing, please like and reshare this video. Let's create a culture of light and life. @marchforlife @studentsforlife
"For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light." – Ephesians 5:8
Thank you:
Filming/Production: @markshvnk
Directing/Storyboard: @abby.k.wilson
Filming: @jacq.levings
Assisting: @trinklomparens
Credit to for the background music.
Background music edited by Mark Shankov.
#marchforlife2024 #marchforlife #prolife #prolifegeneration #endabortion #prolifegen #humanrights #chooselife #prolifemovement #studentsforlife
We want to invite you to this year's 2024 Council for Statemenship! This is not a fundraising event—we want to say "thank you" for your continuous support to PHC. Our theme is "living a life of service," and our Keynote Speaker is Kevin Malone who will be sharing about his work fighting human trafficking. We look forward to seeing you there! Registration here:
God's children are not for sale. @usiaht
#phc #phclife #phccommunity #conservativechristiancollege #phcprepared #stophumantrafficking #godschildrenarenotforsale #kevinmalone #freedomfighter #serve
A PHC summit on the West Coast, "Think Biblically, Lead Courageously." Register ASAP for PHC's Student Impact Summit in Mission Viejo, CA on February 24th! Details and sign-up here:
#phc #phclife #conservativechristiancollege #phcprepared #phcstudents #highschool #worldview #biblicalworldview #leadershipdevelopment
Trinity and Calvin just take 1st place in Brief Writing as Petitioner and Ainsley and Jason take 2nd place in Oral Argument in the 2024 American Moot Court Association National Tournament!
“Last fall, PHC qualified 13 teams in total for pre-national tournaments, including four regional champions, which may have tied some single-season records for most regional wins,” said Peter K., Moot Court Head Coach for PHC.
“Twelve of these teams—the most we could send—went on to compete at three pre-national tournaments in January.”
"Not only that, " adds Director Johnson, "seven of our twelve pre-national teams earned a bid to the national championship—the only school to achieve such results. All four of our allotted national teams excelled by advancing to elimination rounds. Kudos to our students and coaches on this accomplishment, which was the result of much hard work and a true collaborative spirit. "
Coach Peter summarized an exciting season saying, “I was incredibly proud of how the entire team prepared and competed this season. We greatly appreciate all of your encouragement, prayers, and acts of service to us throughout the season. And I’m excited to see what next season brings.”
Great job to all PHC competitors, Director Johnson, Head Coach Peter K., and Coaches Bock, Reynolds, and Spena!
Join us for PHC's upcoming Chorale Benefit Concert, February 10th at 7:00 p.m at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Purcellville! Details here:
#phc #phclife #phcchorale #purcellville #loudoncounty #nova #northernvirginia #leesburg #musiclovers #conservativechristiancollege #phcprepared
PHC went to the LSU moot court pre-nats tournament...and won! Thanks for the reel @trinklomparens
#phc #lifeatphc #phccommunity #phcforensics #phcprepared #wherearephcstudents #conservativechristiancollege #mootcourt #amca #lsu
POV: you're on a PHC mock trial team.
#phclife #phcforensics #mocktrial #AMTA #virginia #phcprepared #conservativechristiancollege #mocktriallife #wherearephcstudents #topchristiancollege
Good Tidings of Great Joy:
"Joy is the natural outflow from a proper focus on the nature of God, the acts of God, the blessings of God, and the mercies of God. Stated simply, we rob ourselves of joy when we focus on ourselves and our circumstances rather than focusing on God and His provision." —Michael P. Farris.
Read "Good Tidings of Great Joy: a meditation by Michael Farris, PHC Founder and Chancellor emeritus:
#phc #spirituallife #joy #joyfullife #phcprepared #conservativechristiancollege #newyear #phccommunity #worship #spiritfilledlife
Watch to see some of our favorite footage from a recent moot court tournament where two PHC teams, Sarah and Finn and Ainsley and Jason, took 1st and 2nd place!
#phc #phcprepared #lifeatphc #phclife #phcmootcourt #phcforensics #forchristandforliberty #preservingamerica #wherearephcstudents
Steve Fitzhugh speaks to PHC students about drawing near to God in every part of life. Fitzhugh formerly played in the NFL with the Denver Broncos and now travels around the globe encouraging people from all walks of life to experience the transformational power of the Gospel.